
The Men’s Ministry offers services to the widows and the elderly for light household repairs…like changing light bulbs, tightening leaky faucets, replacing glass, repairing screens, putting up shelves, hauling off unwanted items, light painting; and yard cleanup…like raking, mowing, trimming bushes, blowing and edging. In addition to the services mentioned above, the Men’s Ministry also provides minor repairs and maintenance to the Church facility and grounds and works on special projects as needed.

If you know of a project or would like to know how to get involved, please contact our Men's Ministy.

Our men serve those in need, but we are also developing meaningful relationships with a team of like-minded brothers in Christ.



We're Looking For A Few Good Men!

Are you looking for a place to serve? We are in need of men to serve as Ushers & Greeters at the 11:00 am service. Needs include greeting our guests and members as they arrive, and passing out bulletins to everyone entering; giving visitor packs to our guests, helping to collect tithes and offerings and assisting in serving communion.


If you are interested, please contact Will Johnson or e-mail Thanks!